3rd Apex Conference of the Smart Cities To Be Held On 24-25 Jan

New Delhi: In an attempt to give some push to the Smart Cities programme of the government, the 3rd Apex Conference of the Smart Cities will be held on 24-25 January at Andhra University Convention Center, Beach Road, Visakhapatnam.

The conference will see participation by State Principal Secretaries (Urban Development), State Mission Directors (Smart Cities), Municipal Commissioners/CEOs of 100 Smart Cities, Heads of PMCs engaged in Smart Cities and Senior Representatives of Multi-Lateral agencies from all over the country.

The outcome of Climate Smart Cities Assessment Framework, Data Maturity Assessment Framework will also be discussed. There will be presentations on Ease of Living and Municipal Performance Index also, according to s stamen by the government.

States and cities will give ideas for better implementation of the Mission for future. The award-winning cities will share their perspectives with regard to “What makes them Best?”, their best practices and human resource management. 

On the 25 January, there will be carried out by CEOs of few smart cities to the projects of Vishakhapatnam Smart City and in the wrap session, presentations will be made by CEOs of select Smart Cities.

During the Conference, Smart Cities Awards will be distributed amongst the Smart Cities under 7 urban themes, Innovative Ideas, Round-wise Recognition of Cities and Overall City Award.